K. T. Kang, Dublin School, NH, Class of 2010
I've worked with Boston Education World for 4 years ever since I started a new, foreign life in a small boarding school in NH. Through times of troubles and hardships of preparing for the competitive world of college admissions, I was able to turn to Boston Education for help and support. With their assistance and occasional parental tones, which I've come to appreciate, I was able to get into a college of my dreams and pursue a new exciting life. I can't say how thankful I am to have had Boston Education World as a guardian, a mentor, and a friend.
J. H. Park, Cambridge School of Weston, MA, Class of 2010
Boston Education World has been helping me since I was a sophomore in high school. Whenever I needed help, they were extremely supportive on finding tutors for SAT, ACT, SAT II, TOEFL as well as the slightest things such as revising my papers for my school assignments. Not only did they helped me to organize my schedule for summer vacation to be more productive, but also they gave me numerous suggestions on what classes I should take and what activities/volunteer works I should participate outside of school. Through their consistent help, I improved in my academic studies, become a well-rounded person, and have the chance to attend the college that I dreamed. I am confident enough to say that, without Boston Education World, I won’t be able to become a person that I am here today. Thank You!
E. Y. Park, parent of a Johns Hopkins student
If I haven’t met BEW, I am wondering if my child achieves such goal today. I still remember the very first day when I and my son arrived U.S for the first time, visiting many different private High school for interview. I personally thank for counselors in BEW who have given us a wonderful tour for many different schools. I also remember the very unique impression of cultural diversities and amazement when we visited schools. Every time when I have lots of questions regarding admission to school or my son’s school life I’ve got the right answer quickly by the help of BEW. I could’ve made so many inquires because BEW provides such a warm and friendly environment to Parents. Especially I am so thankful that BEW provides such a great and experienced consultation and gives confidence for my son who wasn’t quite ready for such a new environment going into new school in foreign country. We were so blessed that we met BEW. Finally, I give my very special thanks to President Chung of BEW for his thoughtfulness and warm-hearted manner.
A parent of a UCLA student
I truly appreciate Mr. Chung’s effort and guidance for last two years. It wasn’t an easy process but I could overcome all the difficulties with the help of Mr. Chung. Please continue to give good advice to my child in order to have fruitful college life.