Junior/High school admission counseling
Based on students’ character, extracurricular works, interests, and etc
Possible lists of junior/High school
We narrow it down some possible schools for students based on the information and data we have.
Planning and Providing Summer Program
We link students to high quality summer camp; students enjoy the camp at the same time they may develop their ability and supplement their weak spot.
Providing Scheduling, preparation, and accompanying for interview
We provide many different schools for interview and support actual preparation of interview with previous/current admission advisors.
**Interview Guide:
▶ Booking Interview:
All interviews must be booked by August with two a day at most. Must
prepare a translator or guide for the event.
▶ Preparations:
Visit each school’s website and understand their unique character. Work on an
example composition. Complete all preparations and meet with headmaster
for final examination.
▶ After Interview:
Send your interviewer a thank you card and email your guide to write about your interview experience. Finally, choose between accepted schools.
Providing services for Application/Essay/Resume
We offer many sample essays for guidelines and help students to prepare the essays so that students’ ability and talents may be clearly portrayed.
Preparing Supplement documents/resources
We provide to prepare some possible supplement documents that portray students’ talents, character, and strong points during the summer vacation.
Follow up after submitting all application documents
We check every details whether all the application documents are arrived to school or not; even when students are on waiting lists, we do our best to resolve the issue by having private interview with placement director of schools and many other possible ways.
Providing transitional process after the admission
We help all the necessary paper works for the smooth transition such as enrollment contract, Deposit, I-20 transfer, selecting courses, registration, medical form, and etc.
Providing continuing support for other matters
We continue our support for students to choose the best suitable school according to their preferences.