We, BEW, have close and accountable relationship with admission directors of many prestigious private Junior/high schools. Since we have many students already in those top ranked schools, we update current changes or news periodically. Based on this accurate and precise information and data, we provide all necessary services for admission such as choosing school, arranging interview, touring school, application process, Portfolio, composing essays, and etc. We guarantee all these services we offer definitely increase the chance for admission to school.
For students applying Junior High: 4th -7th grade (could be younger for those applying Day school)
For students applying High school: 8th-10th grade
Generally, students applying private boarding Junior/High school should process application a year before entering the school; it is usually sometime during the month of June. For example, if a student wants to be enrolled in September starting 2012 school year, then a student can start processing application June, 2011.
Junior Boarding School: Take interview as soon as possible sometime short after the month of September, and process early application sometime between late November and early December. Sometime early December is the deadline for early application. Usually applicants receive letters of acceptance mid January, and must send contract and deposit before mid February.
Secondary Boarding School: It varies by schools, but students can schedule interview starting mid September before end of January. Deadline of application is sometime during 10th of January and first day of February. All schools announce the result on March 10. Students who are accepted to school can schedule revisit day sometime during the last week of March and first week April. Students must send enrollment contract and deposit by the 10th of April.
General Admission Conditions:
- Aptitude test: WISC III, School evaluation sheet
- Test scores: SSAT, ISEE, TOEFL, PSAT, SAT, SAT2
- English Ability: Writing and Speaking, Experience in living abroad
- School GPA: School GPA from past two years
- Extracurricular activities: Art, music, sports, clubs, summer programs, etc
- Leadership
- Recommendation Letters
- Interview
How To Prepare (Procedure for prestigious private middle/high schools):
- School requirements: Grades, Character, Talents, Aptitude, Atmosphere
- Apply: 10 to 15 schools
- Apply range: [Far Reach (3-4), Reach (4-5), Safety (3-5), Recommended (2)]
- Interview
- Choose references
- Application
- Revise/Follow-up
- Submit
- Check status
- Decision